It has *finally* arrived.
That glorious time of the year known as SUMMER.Sun tans and flip flops.
Cold ice tea.
Another season with the white trash pool.
Salad for supper.
Sitting on the porch swing.
Free time. What a novel idea.
Swinging on the porch swing.
A new water gun.
Grilled fruit.
Ambushing little sisters with a new water gun.
A new summer soundtrack, downloaded and ready for memory making.
Green grass. Unless you live in drought stricken Houston.
Nightswimming. With...and without the children. *wink*
Rain dancing. And celebrating the late afternoon roll of thunder that may, or may not produce some relief.
Wine drinking, without the concern of next morning headaches.
School is out.
We have quickly settled into a summer rhythm. It took all of one afternoon.
I celebrated by taking one long, indulgent nap. This was followed by a large glass of wine, sun on my bare legs, and splashing in the pool.
The rest of the weekend has been much of the same.
I can't express how happy this makes me.
And it's only just beginning...