While growing up, our tree was littered with various homemade ornaments created in school and Girl Scouts. They were janky and wonky and wonderful.
Some of those ornaments have been passed on to me, to grace my family's tree.
I wanted to start a tradition with The Offspring of making an ornament each year. This would ensure that one day in the future, they too would have janky-wonky-wonderfulness to add to their own family's tree.
They may or may not appreciate this sentiment down the line.Last year's version included festive ribbon and styrofoam balls.
This year would showcase a slew of buttons, some popsicle sticks, and a glue gun.I saw this over at The Crafty Crow and was immediately smitten with its simplicity.
The Offspring chose their favorite buttons...
...put them in order...
...and carefully placed them atop a dot of hot glue.
The Girl found out that, yes, the glue is really hot. It dampened her enthusiasm a bit. She more or less threw the buttons onto the little globs of glue from there on out.
The Boy's enthusiasm was already sub par due to the fact that I wouldn't let him man the glue gun.
Never mind the photographic evidence to the contrary.
We are a holly jolly ornament-making family!I wrote their names and the year on the back.
Documentation is a key component to holiday memory-making.All that was left was to hang them on the tree.
Christmas loveliness to the max.