Something for her...
Something for him...
Ladies first:
Obviously, wearing costumes to school is a big no-no.
Kindergarten has found a way to circumvent that rule. It's called the Literacy Parade. The kids can dress up like their favorite book character. They can choose any character they want...even Barbie or Iron Man. The only rule is that you have to bring a book that features that character.
Shocked, aren't you?
Pinkalicious and The Girl have similar tastes.
I wouldn't have it any other way.
The Boy took it upon himself to gather the tender.
She looks enthused, huh? Sorry, nature ain't her thang.
The Boy can seek out those sticks.
We dined on roasted hot dogs.
I proved that I am the s'more making queen.
The Boy enjoyed throwing various objects into the fire and watching them burn.
We eventually made our way to the tent. Everyone was snuggled into their sleeping bags. Time to enjoy a peaceful slumber under the moon and stars.
Yeah, not so much.
All through the night we listened to the sound of barking dogs, emergency sirens, helicopters and airplanes flying overhead, and train whistles.
I hope when we head out to nature, it is less boisterous.