I don't make New Year's resolutions.
They are made to be broken, and I don't like failure.
But I have been thinking about the new year ahead.
Some thoughts for 2011...Surely I can carve out half an hour a few times a week to fight gravity.
Mother Nature ain't kind.
I can no longer pretend that I'm 25.I need more than four hours of sleep each night.
Maybe if I make that new quilt for our bed I'll hit the hay at a reasonable hour.
Unless there's a west coast game. Then all bets are off.Fish is tasty. Why isn't it on the weekly menu more often? Vegetable-heavy main dishes should also find their place in the rotation.
We are trading in some turf for surf...and some of that there rabbit food.
Please don't revoke my Texas citizenship.I am *sick* of the laundry mocking me for days on end.
Living in denial doesn't work.
Folding and putting it away is an inevitable reality.The Boy is who he is.
He can no more be a neat freak than I can be a walking tornado.
Acceptance is good.Drinking lots of water raises your metabolism, lessens cellulite, and reduces the signs of aging.
I'm printing this information out and posting it throughout the house.
Just in case I forget.I might not be able to plant my dream garden this year, but I will plant something.
And then I'll learn to can it.
Starting small is OK.I will say yes to more fingernail painting. I will let her grow her hair long.
I will make myself put on a dress...for her.
Sometimes you step outside your comfort zone for someone you love.Who says you can have too many hobbies?
It seems like a good time to try knitting.
Yes, embroidery. I hear you, too.My camera needs more from our relationship.
It loves to take pictures of food, yarn, and The Offspring...but we should spice things up a bit.
It's time to leave the comfort of my yard and find some different subject matter.The sewing machine is staying out for a while.
I want to pay it more attention.
I have to. Promises have been made for new pajama pants...and my clients are persistent.Learning is good.
Photography and photo editing classes have been popping up on my Google searches. Sometimes a pastry class sneaks in there, as well.
I promise I won't cut class this time around.Just some thoughts.
And since they are just thoughts, they can't be broken.
Semantics, you say?
It works for me.
Here's to a new year!
Bring it, 2011.
**all images from my 365 set on flickr**