I have been a lazy chef this past week. I see the trend continuing for the time being.
And I'm OK with that.
Sunday: tofu, bok choy & onion stir fry w/ garlic mirin sauce, brown rice, edamame
Monday: grilled steaks, grilled vegetables w/ feta, tomato salad
Tuesday: grilled chicken, black beans, warm corn-tomato salad
Wednesday: whole wheat blueberry pancakes, scrambled eggs, strawberries
Thursday: leftovers
Friday: hamburgers, oven fries
Saturday: homemade pizza, salad
Sunday's menu is inspired by Allison at Field Wonderful. She has started posting her weekly menus that include dishes using the produce found in her CSA delivery. I'm anxious to read her plan and add to the weekly menu inspiration.
I don't have visions of baking this week. The Boy has become a little grapefruit addict and The Girl is content with an extra Popsicle here and there.
I'm not about to buck this trend.
What summer meals do you have in the works? I'm always a bit stumped when warm weather hits. I tend to replay the same meals over and over because they can be prepared almost entirely on the grill and are quick and easy to boot.
Please...share some ideas for summer noshing!
You peeps have a great week.
Don't let the sun kiss you too hard.