Theoretically, The Boy no longer has an excuse to run around my house without pants. Today I made him two pairs of PJ pants. Or, as I see them being referred to in blog land, "lounge pants". Lounge pants just doesn't accurately describe something The Boy would wear, for you see, he doesn't really lounge.I have had this fabric for a while. Both were purchased off the sale rack for less than $3 a yard. Score...times two. If it has skulls on it and is at a reasonable price the chances are very good that it will be coming home with me.
The Boy is so easy to please. He doesn't care about fit. For instance, these pants should be a tad longer in my opinion. I lengthened them but not quite enough. He tends to grow taller but not wider. What a problem to have, huh? I made these pants the same size around as the ones made last summer. But these are about four inches longer.
As long as there are skulls, flames, camo, pirates, motorcycles, skateboards, or some other testosterone inducing graphic on the fabric The Boy is happy. As you can see from the close-up, he is one happy customer. And that makes for one happy mom.
Now if I can just get him to keep them on.