Monday, May 4, 2009

Places To Put Things

It felt so nice to sit at the machine and sew this weekend. One of those "in the zone" sessions where everything else that needs to get done doesn't.

The first project on my list was a case for my fancy new phone.


and after.

I just modified my iPod case. It is a little bit narrower but taller. I made it a bit wider than needed. That oh-so-boring case that came with the phone is padded really well and the material inside cleans the smudges off of the touch screen. I decided that some extra padding and smudge cleaning are good things and I would just put it all in a more fashionable covering. And there you go...a case.

The next project on the list is The Clutch from Bend the Rules Sewing. I have made a few of these as gifts but never one for myself. My fabric has been sitting in its own little Ziploc bag just waiting to be put together. The lining is a fat quarter that I loved and was only able to find one, of course. The outer fabric is actually an arm cover for the couch I had in my single days. It was upholstery grade fabric so I did not put extra lining in the bag.

When I finished it looked quite plain. Boring really. So I jazzed it up with some buttons.

I am not sure when I will use this. I modified it to be a bit larger. But is small. Maybe for a summer night out...for drinks perhaps. It has enough room for some lip gloss and ID.

Hmmm...that sounds nice. A reward for a job completed.