Monday, August 9, 2010

What's For Dinner?

Holy smokes! It's been forever since I posted a menu.

We are trying to get back into a more normal schedule. I had my first required work day today.

The school year is upon us. No one in this house is celebrating. The opposite, in fact.

But it is what is.

This week we will be feasting upon:

Sunday: blueberry buckwheat pancakes, scrambled eggs with avocado and fresh salsa, raspberries

Monday: Spicy Thai, mac & cheese, guacamole

Tuesday: grilled margherita pizza

Wednesday: green pasta, tomato salad, whole wheat bread

Thursday: leftovers

Friday: out with The Mr. (details to be divulged later)

Saturday: hamburgers, oven fries

We have been enjoying ice cream cones and sorbet for dessert. I merely lift a scoop and stack, so I think the trend will continue one more week.

Sunday's menu was a feeble attempt to recreate this. It wasn't bad. But it wasn't the same. That cool ocean breeze was nowhere to be found. It is the magic ingredient.

Today was *very* long. I spent hours moving desks, bookshelves, boxes, tables, rugs and such in my classroom. My back aches. My patience is thin. Due to my back-to-school malaise, The Mr. was sweet enough to pick-up my favorite Spicy Thai. The Offspring were happy with some mac & cheese. And The Mr. asked if I'd make him some guacamole, which is an easy request to fulfill.

All needs met. All tummies satisfied.

Grilling pizza is all the rage around Blog Land. I've been making our pizza for years but have yet to grill it.


We are making amends this week. If all goes well we will be adding this to the regular rotation. I'll post the details later in the week.

Wednesday's menu comes from here. This is a really great site to find simple, family friendly fare that uses fresh vegetables. There are quite a few things I'm anxious to try. Have a look. It's worth your time.

I'm always on the prowl for new food sites that aren't too fussy. Simple is good. What are your favorite foodie blogs?

OK, peeps. School is just around the corner. Enjoy the last days of summer and don't spend too much time in the kitchen.

**Don't forget! Tomorrow is the 10th. That means Ten On Ten!**