The Boy celebrated #8 in style.
He got to wear a birthday ribbon at school.
Ooey-Gooey Brownies were shared with friends.
His best buddy came home for a sleep over.
We got an ice cream cone to make the Friday traffic more tolerable.
Wii was enjoyed without a time limit imposed.
Hot dogs and hamburgers were served for dinner.
And, of course, there was cake.
Camo Cake.You have to have camo-colored icing.
A chocolate cake was my canvas. Frosting my medium.
I printed a bunch of Army pictures onto card stock and cut them out.
I snipped a slit in each picture and added a base so they would stand upright.
Something is missing....Much better.
Eight candles all aglow.
The Boy double counted.He made a wish.
He blew those candles out. With some added help from his best bud.
It's nice when someone has your back.The cake was cut...
...and it was time to dig in.
Camo cake. Smashing success.The rest of the night was spent playing with Legos.
I was coaxed into transforming a Transformer from robot back to car. It only took me an hour.
The Boys stayed up late watching movies. And awoke way too early the next morning.
We all went to eat lunch at Rainforest Café, per The Boy's request. Nothing like over-priced, mediocre food surrounded by mechanical animals.
The day was topped off with a viewing of Iron Man 2, popcorn, and candy.
All in all, it was a birthday made in 8 Year Old Heaven.
Party up, dude!