The Mr. is another year older. Yesterday was his birthday.
Since he acknowledges that he is impossible to buy for, he's more than happy with a simple homemade card.
That I can do. Don't let the front fool you. My cards are never mushy. You might blush if you read the inside of this one. *wink*
Gramma watched The Offspring so that we could celebrate properly. And that we did.
We grabbed a bite here. This is one of the first places The Mr. took me when dating. It is very quaint. Especially at night when the boxwoods that surround the building are lit up with tiny white lights. They also know how to make their Thai really spicy. I mean, nose running-mouth burning-starting to sweat-spicy. I could eat it every day. For reals.With bellies full, we made our way downtown for The Mr.'s real present.
Neko Case must have known what a special day it was. She scheduled a birthday performance right here in Houston. Or at least that's the spin I put on it.
To say it was an amazing show would be an understatement.
Deer Tick was the opening band. Horrible name. But not a horrible band. I usually find the opening act to be somewhat lame, but these guys really warmed up the crowd.
Then again, the Lone Stars that I had for dessert might have caused my judgement to be a little cloudy.
Finally she took to the stage. Words can't describe. I wish I had a picture of the siren as she performed. But no cameras were allowed. Not even on cell phones.I am rebellious by nature, but there was no way I was going to risk getting kicked out. Neko will have to live in my happily buzzed memory.
What a perfect night. I couldn't tell if it was The Mr.'s birthday or mine.
I hope it was as good for you as it was for me....You might be older, but never lame.
Happy birthday baby.