The calendar might claim fall as the current season, but Houston would beg to differ. It was hot and humid this weekend. Really hot. Really humid.
So we did what all red-blooded American families do and headed to the mall. The Galleria to be specific.
The Galleria is a mall with something for everyone. It has shops ranging from Tiffany to Gap. The food court offers fare from Chick-fil-A to Cheesecake Factory depending upon your tastes. There is an ice skating rink, a Build-A-Bear, and other kiddie-temptations that can easily break Mom and Dad's budget.
The Offspring have been enamored with the bungee-trampoline since they first laid eyes upon it. We earned some "cool parent points" and let them experience what The Girl deemed "The Bouncy-Bounce".
When their time was up tummies started to rumble. Sweet-talking ensued. The focus was Daddy. He is the soft touch.
A few minutes later I found myself waiting in line at Rainforest Cafe.
This erases some of my sometimes-misses-the-mark-as-a-parent-footprint, right?